Friday, January 11, 2008


This baby thing is surely getting closer (70 days!).

Wednesday night, I came home from helping at our church's youth group when hubs pointed out that that I had had some bodily...excess which was displaying itself on my shirt. I can only pray that my sweater was on at all the right times and I didn't scar any of the kids. I don't think I did, but the thought of it was horrifying. So, the first thing on my to-do list yesterday was to stop at target and get an absorbent solution for this problem.

10 weeks until the due date... let the bodily fluids reign. I think I've just crossed a milestone that is only going to get messier for the next many months.

And then I received some confirmation of this fact. Last night at our birthing class, after talking about active labor, transition, relaxation exercises, (snack break!), and watching some birthing videos, we ended the evening by discussing pushing and bodily fluids.

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