Instead, we shall work on putting together my new desk from Ikea. I can't wait until I have a bit more desk space here. Also, we went on a little Fry's shopping spree last night. So fun! We bought a snazzy all-in-one printer (copy, scan, print), that was essentially $29, since it has a rebate and comes w/ $50 worth of ink.
I also got a super snazzy wireless keyboard and mouse. They came with a poem...that went something like this:
New Toys
I got a neat keyboard and mouse
They have laserbeams
That will get you
When you look at them
With envy
Ok, really I was being a dork and just wrote that little ditty on one of the demo computers at Fry's and then laughed for a long time because I thought I was so stikin' funny.
When my new office space is all setup, laser beams included, I shall post a picture.
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