Is it bad to have two Works for me Wednesday postings? I hope not! I just thought of another things I'd like to share.
This is a tip that I've thought of but have never actually done. If it sounds interesting to you, and you do it, would you write me back and let me know how it went?
No matter how much I try to keep Christmas focused on Christ, and keep it a peaceful family time, I'm always a little saddened during the gift-opening time. It goes by so quickly and it's just about what am I going to get next.
I think it would be fun to open presents in a way (this would work for birthdays too) where the focus is on the giver instead of the recipient. Currently, we go in a circle of recipients - when it's your turn, you get to open a present. Instead, I think it would be fun to go in a circle and each person gets to give one of their presents to someone else. They could say who it's for, and why they thought of them, and personally give them their gift. To say, "I knew this would make you smile, so I shopped for months to find one" sounds so much sweeter than just picking the next present from under the tree.
I've heard of people doing something similar to this for kids birthday parties where the birthday child sits in a special chair to open their present, and the friends take turns sitting in a chair right next to the birthday child. Each friend gets to personally give their gift, the birthday child gets to say thank you, and it's easier to take pictures.
Anyway, I haven't done this yet, but I would love to change the focus from gift-getting to gift-giving.
- kel
We do it as you described!! Our children make/ or buy very inexpensive gifts for everyone. They save a portion of their allowance each year to purchase gifts with their own money at Christmas.
When we are doing presents, we have them get the gifts they have obtained for each person and take it to that person. They stand by them as we all watch that gift be opened.
It has worked wonderfully and they love giving the gifts to others. That's usually what they want to do first before other gifts are opened... give theirs first.
I would highly recommend this!! And if you start it from the beginning... they don't know it should be any different! :-)
Of course, they love opening their own gifts as well.
That's so cool! Thank you for telling me. Hubs and I kind of do this anyway - since it's just he and I. I definitely want to start our kids doing it this way from the beginning. The area that I haven't said anything is with our extended family...when there are more of us. I just think it would be so much more personal.
Lovely idea..I have to put this one to use this year! Thanks for sharing
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