I typically don't really make new years resolutions that are set in stone. I do think it should be more of our prayers for the year. Who am I to make resolutions for what my year shall entail? But like Laurel, I'm also hesitant to declare in prayer what I'd like to see happen this year. Of course, in the end, I want God's will more than anything, and if I never verbalize what I wanted to begin with, then I can't really have it taken away from me if it isn't His plan. I recognize that that seems a bit silly and childish now (since God knows my heart anyway), so I guess I will go ahead and memorialize my prayers for 2007.
I want to continue in BSF leadership, but with better preparation. If this is a task God has called me to, then I should do it to the fullest, with a joyful and grateful heart.
I want to mediate on one chapter in proverbs every day, repeating them every month. I'm sadly unfamiliar with most of the proverbs and would like to get them dug deep into my heart.
Similar to Keziah, I want to learn one question from the Westminster Shorter Catechism each week.
I want to find the best way to bless the Lord with the home He has blessed us with. We are going to start hosting our church small group here, but feel like maybe we should also get involved in Young Life, or our church's youth group. Or something else...I don't know. I want this to be a place of refuge, a haven where God is glorified, and all are welcome. (and one that serves good chocolate chip cookies!)
Scary to write it down, in case it doesn't happen, but I really want to get pregnant this year with our first child.
I want my husband to be offered a new job, that pays well, is intellectually exciting for him, where he will be respected, and at a company where he can have a great future.
I want hubs and I to be more active together.
I'll go ahead and put it in this category, since it affects my family very much, I want to lose 13 pounds. Almost forgot to put that one down! Really, I just want to be more comfortable in my skin. I realize that this sort of conflicts with the first family goal... God will just have to figure that one out. I just want to be more appropriately sized. =)
I want to find ways to regularly contact he friends God has blessed me with and learn to develop each of these friendships further, knowing that each woman is unique.
I want to learn to provide a better home for my family, being aware of what needs to be done, and doing it. No delay, no excuses. I want to provide order to the chaos. I do not want my job of providing healthy food and an orderly house to be a burden, but a privilege.
I want to be able to paint the exterior of our house this spring and remove the tree in the front.
I want our little house to sell quickly later this month for a good price.
(Edit: I keep forgetting things) - I want to learn to play the piano, even just a little bit of chords.
So there they are. Laid out before the blogging world, and before the Lord. What I want for 2007... IF they are what God wants too.
Kel thank you so much for allowing me to read your goals for this next year. I really liked it when you said "I do not want my job of providing healthy food and an orderly house to be a burden, but a privilege." AMEN. This is something I am working on, and one that becomes a challenge with children.
I pray you are blessed with a child this year. That would be exciting.
I am so blessed by this, thank you for sharing your "dreams" for the year.
It's so good to be able to share out goals for the coming year so we can be accountable to one another and can pray for one another. I was excited to see that you're joining me in learning the Scottish catechism! I can understand the desire for children (and I am not even married!), so I will be praying with you.
"So there they are. Laid out before the blogging world, and before the Lord. What I want for 2007... IF they are what God wants too."
I think that laying out our goals and dreams before the Lord is an important thing. I really liked that you did this. I am praying that 2007 brings you the desires of your heart! Blessings to you!
Blessings to you this year. Thank you for sharing!
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